Mature Refractory solutions for

Highest performance under toughest conditions. RATH refractory products have been researched and tested extensively to cope with high temperatures up to 1800°C for demanding processes.


We offer:
• Full range refractory assortment
• Specifically designed high-standard products
• Worldwide engineering and project management

RATH Chemicals


Providing refractories for Fuels & Chemical applications is a challenge RATH has been tackling for decades.
Not only high temperatures but also aggressive and reducing atmospheres, as well as mechanical wear characterize the refractory challenges in the chemical industry.

For several decades, RATH has been a partner to the chemical industry when it comes to high class solutions, products and engineering know how!


Your processes require perfectly developed refractories to deal with your special requirements and demanding conditions.
Since decades we are  developing products specifically focused to your process by using high-quality raw materials in proven recopies to overachieve your industry standards.
This leads to perfect application and processing, so that your final product will meet your high requirements.


The extreme operating temperatures combined with reducing atmosphere, water quenching and high gas velocities require refractory materials of the highest possible quality. These are based on synthetic tabular or fused alumina with addition of Zr oxide to cope with thermal cycling.
RATH has done extensive research and testing and has developed two high-end products which are successfully used in numerous reactors worldwide and being considered as the industry standard for high demanding applications.

Korrath K 99

Through product-specific and format-specific high temperature firing, the corundum bricks have a high temperature-resistant mullite bond, a mullite-corundum bond or a pure corundum bond (Korrath K 99 and Korrath C 99).


Our highly qualified experts, engineers and technicians have the necessary expertise to develop the most powerful refractory materials – tailored to your individual technical and economic requirements.
From highly precise and extremely resistant products to economical products for minor demanding environments.

Applications - your perfect solution

RATH refractory products are successfully used worldwide in: