Companies with industrial high-temperature processes are facing major challenges and changes in current and future discussions of energy and environmental issues. With the ECOREF concept, we can help you reduce costs by using the optimal refractory material.

  • ECOREF is an analytical and conceptual approach that helps determine the best refractory lining for your application.
  • Based on your technological, ecological and economic objectives, as well as numerous process parameters, the most appropriate lining concept is mutually determined.
  • The concept shows the possible energy savings in kw/h and enables the savings potential to be defined as a percentage.

Our experienced application engineers develop the best lining concepts taking into account technological, ecological and economic aspects.

ECOREF follows 5 steps, which we guide you through:

  1. Clarifying the need for change
  2. Determining your objectives
  3. Analyzing your plant and operating parameters
  4. Calculating energy performance
  5. Proposing your optimal lining

Contact our experts – we will be happy to check your individual savings potential: