Like many other industrial sectors, the steel industry faces major challenges when it comes to energy and environmental issues: Among other things, energy must be saved and the CO2 footprint reduced.…
Like many other industrial sectors that use high-temperature processes, the brick industry faces major challenges when it comes to energy and environmental issues: Among other things, energy must be…
Like many other industrial sectors that use high-temperature processes, the ceramics industry is also facing some major challenges when it comes to energy and environmental issues. The international…
Like other sectors, the glass industry is facing the major challenge of acting more sustainably and drastically reducing its carbon footprint. Ambitious efforts are underway, and supporting them in…
2024 feiert das Freiberger Feuerfest-Symposium ein kleines Jubiläum, findet es doch zum bereits 5. Mal statt. Unverändert bleibt dabei die Prämisse, dass bei der Tagung auch 2024 neueste Erkenntnisse…
The topic of sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the glass industry. Providing comprehensive support to the glass industry in its sustainability efforts remains on RATH's agenda for…
Like other sectors, the glass industry is facing the major challenge of acting more sustainably and drastically reducing its carbon footprint. Ambitious efforts are underway, and supporting them in…
Like many other industrial sectors that use high-temperature processes, the ceramics industry is also facing some major challenges when it comes to energy and environmental issues. The international…
Im Rahmen des strategischen Wachstumsplans Evolution 2030+ erwirbt die RATH Gruppe 33% der Anteile an der Avanee Refsol India. Gemeinsam mit den Partnern der Avanee Refsol wird eine Produktion in…